Sunday School at UNITY Lutheran Church
All Are Welcome!
Preschool through Grade 6
Our UNITY Sunday school strives to create a community which welcomes and includes all of our children. Our weekly Sunday school lessons focus on building a community of learners growing in their faith and understanding of the Bible as God’s word to us. It is about connecting us to each other and connecting the history of God’s people to following Jesus. We hope to share this “Good News” with the world!
Please explore the page to find out more information on our upcoming events!
For the Latest Education News
Check our announcements or the calendar for relevant dates and additional details.
Kids Are Special at UNITY!
Your kids are invited to participate in the many opportunities offered throughout the year at UNITY. Select the tabs below to find out what's happening in Sunday School and read more about special learning, servanthood and fellowship events.
January 19, 2026 at COL Campus
This annual event on Martin Luther King Day is for kids from Kindergarten through Grade 6. They are a part of a sports-themed morning of serving. Everyone rotates to different servant opportunities throughout the building… such as washing the toys in the nursery, tying fleece quilts, making treats for a local care facility and making craft packages for our ministry partners in El Salvador. Half-time snacks and post-blitz pizza are a part of the event.
February 28 - March 1, 2025 at CTK Campus
The Grade 2-3 Lock-In begins on Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. and wraps up on Saturday morning at 7:30 am. Sunday School friends enjoy a night of fun games, a craft, snacks, a late night movie and sleepover at church Cost is $10. Lock-In’s are in-house opportunities for UNITY kids enrolled in Sunday School to get to know each other. Click on our SignUpGenius page to sign up your kid(s)!
April 4-5, 2025 at COL Campus
The Grade 4-6 Lock-In begins on Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. and wraps up on Saturday morning at 7:30 am. Sunday School friends enjoy a night of fun games, a craft, snacks, a late night movie and sleepover at church. Cost is $10. Lock-In’s are in-house opportunities for UNITY kids enrolled in Sunday School to get to know each other. (Watch for online sign up.)
April 11, 2025
Hey 4K through 1st Graders! Join your friends for a SLEEP UNDER! Enjoy a chicken nugget dinner, great games, crafts and a short video. This fun night wraps up in time for bed. Not quite a sleep over..it's a SLEEP UNDER!
The cost is $5 which you can bring with you to the event. Bring along a blanket or sleeping bag and a pillow for your movie-watching comfort! (Watch for online sign up.)
May 8 & 15, 2025, 6:30p-7:45p at COL Cam First Communion Weekend
May 17-18, 2025, at both campuses
First Communion Classes help prepare kids for receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion. These interactive classes are designed for 3rd Graders and their parents to experience together. Classes are also open to any new students in Grades 4-5-6 who have not received their First Communion.
OPTIONAL acolyte training will be held prior to the COL campus indoor class options from 6:00pm-6:30pm.
June 16-19, 2025
Watch for more details in future announcements!
Date and time TBD Bible Presentation for 2nd Graders
Date and time TBD
Each year, UNITY presents a Bible to students in Grade 2 (and all students new to UNITY in Grades 3-6). This special "Bible Basics" evening is held for students and their parents. This night is filled with learning great stuff about the Bible and playing fun Bible games. The evening wraps up with a big dish of ice cream! New bibles will be presented at the end of the Bible Basics class.
December 5, 2025 at COL Campus
Advent Fest begins at 5:30 pm with a big Pot Luck Dinner, followed by a brief worship time at 6:15 where we sign the first carols of the season. Then the evening continues with craft-making and tree decorating. Crafts are for all ages and abilities. Watch for our online sign up. There is a cost to cover the craft materials. The evening wraps up with apple cider and goodies by the fire.