United in Christ, Together in Ministry!

UNITY Lutheran Church

Life Events

image Cross of Life Campus image Christ the King Campus

We Can Help Plan Your Life Events



We baptize people of all ages! Baptism is the Church's way of welcoming someone into the faith family, where God's promises are proclaimed and where parents, sponsors, and the community of faith promise to love and support this child of God as they grow in faith.

Parents do not need to be members of UNITY Lutheran Church, but being involved is the best way for your child to experience and learn what it means to be one of God's children. Baptismal sponsors do not need to be Lutheran, but should be Christian. We baptize within the context of worship.



image Scheduled only for UNITY members.
image Scheduled for UNITY members or non-members.

Please review our Wedding Guide for more information about the process. Weddings must be scheduled at least four months in advance. Three to four premarital sessions with the pastor performing the service are a required part of the process. Based on the pastor's discretion, he or she will conduct member wedding services off-site.

image Saturday weddings must start no later than 2:30 pm.

Wedding Guide



Based on pastoral discretion, we typically honor any request for a funeral at either church campus, from members or non-members. Member funerals take priority over any other church campus event with the exception of regular worship services and all-building events like Vacation Bible School and Advent Fest.
