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How to help during worship!
Greeters are the folks who stand by the front doors and say “Hello” to the people that are coming into church. It’s an easy job, and makes visitors feel welcomed.
Two Greeters per service.
Acolytes lead the Pastor and Worship Assistant up to the altar. The acolytes carry the cross and the candlelighters to light the altar candles. During the service they take the offering plates and communion elements from the ushers, and help serve communion. At the end of the service, they extinguish the altar candles and take the flame back out of the sanctuary. After taking First Communion, our Grade 3 – 6 youngsters are eligible to serve as acolytes.
Two to Three acolytes per service .
Ushers hand out bulletins, count attendance, take the offering, and direct the congregation to the altar for communion.
Two ushers per service.
Usher Training & Review
Worship Assistant (WA) is the term for the layperson that helps lead the service. They fill in for the reader, if one is not scheduled. They write prayer petitions, which are shared during the Prayers of the People, help serve communion, and assist during baptisms.
Worship Assistants are also needed every week for our online worship service videos. Service recordings sessions are every Thursday at 1pm, COL Campus.
One WA per live service.
One WA per video service.
Reader is the person who reads the lessons for the service.
Readers are needed every week for our worship videos. If you wish to record your reading for an online service, the reading will be emailed to you in advance. A video of you reading the lesson for the week needs to be completed by noon on Fridays. Your video can be made at home or in either sanctuary.
One reader per live service.
One reader per video service.
Reader Training & Review