Good news of great joy: We have formally called PASTOR JUSTIN KIERZEK to join the PASTOR TEAM at UNITY! Join us in warmly welcoming Pastor Justin and be sure to introduce yourself when you see him! Please donate at UNITY's BLOOD DRIVE: Thursday, Feb. 13, from 1-6 pm at our COL campus. Sign up online! UNITY'S ANNUAL MEETING will be Sunday, FEB. 16, at 9:30 am at both campuses and via Zoom. Please check our bulletin & February Newsletter for SPECIAL WORSHIP SCHEDULE on FEB. 16 ONLY. Don't miss our PRE-ANNUAL MEETING INFO FORUMS held Sunday, Feb. 9: 9:30 am at COL & 10:30 am at CTK. Find comfort at our GRIEF GROUP, held Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm at COL: January 29 and February 12 & 26. Both campuses need help with SNOW REMOVAL this winter. Please sign up on our Sign Up web page.