The UNITY Council recommends a call to PASTOR JUSTIN KIERZEK to join the PASTOR TEAM at UNITY! Attend MEET & GREETS with PR. JUSTIN after all services DECEMBER 7 & 8! Read more in December Newsletter. A special VOTING MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION will be held Sunday, Dec. 22 at 9:30 am: In person & Zoom. Please make every effort to attend the VOTING MEETING. We need a quorum of approx. 200 members. Please visit our STEWARDSHIP WEB PAGE and help us reach our goal of 300 PLEDGES by DECEMBER 8. Don't miss our SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS the weekend of December 14-15! Our BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE is a service of HOPE. It's on Sunday, December 15, at 3 pm at our CTK campus. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES: COL Campus at 2:00, 4:00, 7:30 & 10:30 pm and CTK Campus at 2:00 & 4:00 pm.