Please pray for our El Salvador travelers on their Mission of Healing Trip: February 15-22. Check out our Facebook page to see great photos of our Mission of Healing ministry in action! Have you lost a loved one? Find comfort at our GRIEF GROUP: Wed. Feb. 26, from 6:30-8:00 pm at COL. LENT begins with ASH WEDNESDAY on March 5. Worship services are at Noon at CTK and 7 pm at COL. Mark your calendars and join us for LENT WEDNESDAYS: March 12-April 9. More details coming soon. During Lent Wednesdays, LUNCH BUNCH GROUP will meet at noon at our CTK campus. All are welcome! Help is needed with SNOW REMOVAL at each campus this winter! Please sign up on our Sign Up web page. Looking ahead, our Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction will be held Friday, April 25, at COL: Dine-in or Carry out!