The UNITY Council recommends a call to PASTOR JUSTIN KIERZEK to join the PASTOR TEAM at UNITY! A VOTING MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION will be held Sunday, DECEMBER 22 at 9:30 am: In person & Zoom. Please make every effort to attend the VOTING MEETING. We need a quorum of approx. 200 members. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES: COL Campus at 2:00, 4:00, 7:30 & 10:30 pm and CTK Campus at 2:00 & 4:00 pm. See our Bulletins or December Newsletter for our SEASONAL MUSIC and SPECIAL EVENTS ... then join us! Please visit our PLEDGE FOR 2025 WEB PAGE to help us meet our giving goal and to budget accordingly! Both of our campuses need help with SNOW REMOVAL this winter. Please sign up on our Sign Up web page. Do YOU have ideas for our ADULT PROGRAM forums or events? Please contact Todd Blatnik. Thank you!