United in Christ, Together in Ministry!

Messiness in Our Relationships ~ Kiley Keup

“Then we will shout for joy over your victory and celebrate your triumph by praising God. May the LORD answer all your requests.” ~Psalm 20:5

Relationships are important. They are why teamwork is so good. No one is completely independent through their whole life. Some are more independent than others and fight off loneliness like a warrior protecting a kingdom. Relationships are hard to keep and we are always changing, but so are others and sometimes, it is hard to accept change. With any change, it brings good and bad, light and dark, either putting a shadow over most of the change or a shine on it. Every relationship has hardships, and that is why some of them are so strong, because you fight the pain against another, but also with them. Relationships are so complicated that not everything is clear to everyone involved. As people age, conflicts in a relationship may worsen, but we are more prepared to face them over time. People say “with time, brings knowledge”, but what time brings is experience. Life is built up of many relationships and are very important to life because they teach us about each other and, also, ourselves.

Dear Jesus, In this messiness with relationships, please help me to be the friend I would want when I am lonely. Though I may not understand why friendships wither, guide me to reunite with those who were always there in the shadows, who cheer me on in my successes, and pick me up when I have fallen. Amen.

