United in Christ, Together in Ministry!

Messiness in Our Relationships ~ Carole Syse

"No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light." ~Luke 8:16

Without the distraction of sports, no work travel, and my husband’s retirement, our Waukesha empty nest was different during quarantine.  Early on, we only saw our adult children on a Sunday Zoom call, even though both live in Milwaukee.  As a couple, we committed to finding ways to be better roommates and spouses without all the distractions.  We found comfort in experiencing dinner together every night with no media other than occasional music.  We talked about the day’s news and our life together. Our conversations were sometimes filled with laughter, while others were more serious.  What we rediscovered was respect in the daily dialogue.  Relationships are hard, and finding light together makes the challenging times worth it.

Loving Creator – couples need time together and time alone.  Finding balance during this pandemic has been tough.  Help us find the light we may hide.  Help us share light even when we’re feeling vulnerable and tired.  Be with us in all relationships where love and light must be central. Amen.

