United in Christ, Together in Ministry!

Messiness in Our Health and Well-Being ~ Kim Keup

“Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God- what is pleasing to him, and is perfect.” ~ Romans 12:12

On New Year’s Eve, I wrote a page full of resolutions. Of those resolutions, only a couple changes have continued into the month of February. My theme for 2021 could be titled, Consistency. My first resolution was to consistently get 7 hours of sleep or 49 hours within the week. It forces me to call it quits earlier at night than I would like. Yet, I’m able to wake up refreshed. My second resolution was to exercise 150-180 minutes each week. As many of you know, I like to run. However, with all the cancelled races, I needed to branch out and recruit people to join me. The www.52hikechallenge.com caught my eye. We took this challenge a step further and instead of being limited to hikes, we ski them with whoever is willing to join us. It’s quite fascinating to explore your favorite park in all seasons. I highly recommend Lapham Peak and Scuppernong. Get lost in the woods. Smell the pines. Cherish God’s beauty in creation. 

So, the next time you reach to open the refrigerator door looking for something, and you’re not even hungry, try opening a real door and walk outside. Soak in the sunlight and feel the crisp air. If you don’t have time, simply stand, pause and breathe. In this Lenten season, remember every new day is another chance to start anew. Set an intention, find your positive mindset, or work on something as simple as sleep. Try a new activity and feel the transformation of the mind with accomplishing something you have never done before or return to something you enjoyed in the past. Encourage a friend to join you. Be accountable. After a month, shape it into a healthy habit that you can’t live without, or let go of a habit that doesn’t feed your soul. Take small steps to your goal. Accept a day of rest, if getting up and dressed is the best you can do. Dive into a devotion. Color in your Bible. Listen to a Belief Beat podcast. When you feel depressed, call a friend, write a letter, or check in on a neighbor or relative. Take time to recharge. Take a power nap.

Dear Lord, During this Lenten season, please heal us to feel whole again and provide continued protection of our physical, mental and emotional health. Lift us up, when we feel we can no longer walk, and wrap us in your everlasting love until we find our footing again. In your name we pray, Amen.

