United in Christ, Together in Ministry!

Messiness in Our Health and Well-Being ~ Chris Keim

"Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
~ Galatians 6:2

I am a nurse in the community near the Bread of Healing Clinic.  The Bread of Healing is a free clinic supported by grants and partners. Its main clinic is located in Cross Lutheran Church near 16th and Walnut in Milwaukee. In my work as a nurse in the community, I have sent many people who do not have insurance to the Bread of Healing to get care. One of the things I really like about the Bread of Healing is that they hold the lives of people they serve in reverence. It’s more than just giving healthcare. It is even beyond respect, it is a holy importance. It is the faith in action of Jesus’ commandment to love thy neighbor. It’s a really important place for many people who have no other access to healthcare; pandemic or no pandemic.
As a healthcare worker in the community, I was eligible for a COVID vaccination from the Bread of Healing. They have taken on the huge challenge of vaccinating as many people as they can get vaccines for in the community.  It is an act far beyond their normal capacity.  When I went there, I was so moved to see a UNITY member welcome me at the door and take my temperature.  Then another UNITY member did my paperwork. A third UNITY member drew up my vaccine and then yes, a fourth UNITY member who is a nurse gave me my vaccination. They were all volunteering to help. Volunteering at the Bread of Healing is faith in action; it is the act of loving thy neighbor.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the Bread of Healing Clinic and all of the people who work there and volunteer there. Help us in this pandemic and always to look with reverence on all people and take faith in action to show them love and care. Amen

