United in Christ, Together in Ministry!

Love by Tami Miller

We love because he first loved us.  ~1 John 4:19

Do you know a baby who was born this year or a family expecting a new baby? As you think about that family (or your family) like everything else, the effects of our world influence the anticipation and delivery, for sure!   Zoom baby showers, severely restricted contact with friends and family, no hospital visitors, face masks, and perhaps even an unexpected delivery story. But no matter the challenges, you knew that love would still be part of the story. The feeling when you meet that baby - better than you could imagine; right? If you need a refresher of pure love, talk to a glowing new parent or grandparent!  
We’re preparing for another birth and the due date is coming soon! Travel on donkey or on foot; search for a room in a bustling Bethlehem and settle for a barn; there isn’t a midwife and you’re all alone; and yet, a baby is born! Jesus is born! God sends his Son into the darkness and uncertainty.  As much as we anticipate this good news, our hearts erupt with joy, gladness and love for this tiny human who was born to bring us everlasting life!

Christmas will be here soon! As we wait for the birth, we know that we will love this little one. Yet, when baby Jesus is here, pure love breaks through!  Better than you could imagine! Amen; Come Lord Jesus!

