United in Christ, Together in Ministry!

Joy by Jeff Key

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. ~John 15:11

In the previous verses of this chapter, Jesus is telling his disciples that He is the vine and we are to be fruit bearing branches from that vine. We need to stay attached to Him; especially at this time. Joy can be found in many places and people. I know this year has seemed like the most joyless year we have ever had to slog through. Don’t let that rob you of all the joyful feelings this time of year should bring. Christ is coming as that holy child in the manger in Bethlehem. Take joy in that sentence!!  Sure, things look different this year:no formal children’s programs; no Adventfest; no marathon of Christmas Eve services, etc. Don’t let that stop you from celebrating Christmas this year. In time, that will all return.  For now, gather with your family and celebrate in new ways. Have the kids tell the Christmas story to you, or you tell it to them. Bundle them in a car and go out and look at the decorations. Jesus gives us reason to find joy in our lives. We need to just do it!

Dear Jesus, Your name should bring great joy to our hearts, no matter what is happening around us. Help us find joy within us and then help us to unleash that joy on our troubled world. Help us make this a better world in the coming weeks. Amen

