United in Christ, Together in Ministry!

Messiness in Differences ~ Nicole McCumber

"Judge not, that you not be judged." ~Matthew 7:1

It can be such a simple concept, yet not so simple as well. There are many signs hanging in the elementary school where I work, and I find myself repeating them in my mind during the day. A few that stand out to me are: Before you say it, THINK, Is it TRUE? IS it KIND? Is it NECESSARY?,Throw kindness like confetti, or one we have in our classroom, it's a picture of a bumblebee bee and it says BEEEEEE KIND!! These signs for the children and staff to see everyday make it seem so simple, and truly it can be this simple!! The world would be a better place if we stopped seeing differences in one another, and instead embraced others for who they are and what makes them unique. Try not to see others as different, and find ways we can come together. Even if we can do this in our small part of the world, at the school where I work and the neighborhood where I live, it will make a difference.

Dear God,  Thank you for making us just as we are. May we learn to love everyone as you have taught us, and to shine your light where it is needed. In your name we pray, Amen.

