United in Christ, Together in Ministry!

Messiness in Differences ~ Kiley Keup, age 11

"Have the same concern for everyone. Do not be proud but accept humble duties. Do not think of yourselves as wise." ~Romans 12:16

People are different-physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

A difference should not define a person. Differences should not change a person’s power. Differences should not influence shame. Shame should not be one’s shadow, nor should excessive pride. The world does not need more shame, fear, envy, disgust, or anger. These feelings control us to manipulate others. 

With age brings a sense of power, you feel wiser and responsible. That does not mean elders are not as wise, but it means not to label younger people as lesser. 

Everyone is different.

We need to accept and be aware of our similarities and differences. A difference should not set us apart from others. Responding to differences is a part of defining who we are. People of different ages, gender, religion, race, culture, education, or health are just as important as you. You must speak highly of others, as you do of yourself.

Influence may affect how you respond to differences. 

Rather than always looking for a similarity between you and a friend, search for differences. A difference should not change a person’s power. It should be respected and valued.

Dear Jesus, Let us live in peace like you had while here on earth. Give us intelligence to live peaceably with friends, family, and everyone. Help us to be thoughtful and considerate, to explore differences and similarities. Let us invite everyone to your table of forgiveness. Amen.

