United in Christ, Together in Ministry!

Messiness in Differences ~ Mike Tostrud

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” ~Galatians 6:2

It seems our differences – individually and communally – are on greater display than ever.  The challenge of our age seems to be how we embrace individualism while also achieving alignment in communities.  

All our lives we have been asked to embrace differences.  But it seems the number of ‘differences’ have increased the past few years.  We ought to respect the uniqueness of individuals, but we must also find a way to come together, work together, and succeed together.  The notion of this happening seems oddly Pollyanna though which troubles me - I am not sure if that makes me a pessimist or a realist.

So, the problem statement is likely something we can agree on, but where do we find answers?  I know for myself I am guilty of being over simplistic.  But it is likely a matter of motive.  Are we interested in unifying?  Or is our motive to continuously define how we are different? 

The name of our congregation provides some inspiration – Unity!  Who knew a few years ago the name and mission for our congregation would highlight what is needed more broadly today?  What I’ve always loved about our congregation is the community.  There are times I have come to church to celebrate all that was going well in my life; there are times I have come to church out of obligation, not feeling that same level of inspiration but rather the obligation of routine; and there have been times where I have come to church because I desperately needed the love and support the community provides.  But in each phase I have always been embraced.  And maybe we continue to foster it amongst ourselves and ask for the courage to carry it into the world.

Father, the challenges of our age certainly seem bigger than each of us.  But we pray that you might use us, to bring our communities together for our own well-being and for your purpose.  You gave your son to change the world, please use our congregation to change even a small part of it.   Amen, amen, amen…


